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Kambo Soulsong

We're like rivers in the night 

I go left and you go right. 

We'll find on the other side who we are...

Who we are...


Kambo Frog Medicine

Single Ceremony / $250
3 Day Inoculation / $600 


Frog medicine is a heart opener, and a magical ally for accessing our emotions and experiencing a somatic release of energy. Kambo (also known as Sapo, or Acaté) is the venomous secretion of the Giant Monkey Tree Frog, or Phyllomedusa Bicolor. It is known as "The Vaccine of the Forest" and is one of the most powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anesthetic natural substances on this planet. Applied to the skin, the frog's secretion enters our lymphatic system and acts like a key within our biochemical pathways synthesizing a chain of reactions which boost the immune and circulatory systems. It is used by the indigenous tribes of Brazil and Peru to prepare warriors for hunting, as well as to cure ailments amongst the tribe. It offers the psychological benefit of clearing negative energy and relieving what the tribes call "panema"or bad luck/heaviness/depression. Kambo cleanses physically, mentally, as well as energetically and has a very powerful effect on one's overall energy, as it heals at the cellular level and ignites DNA memory which may have been dormant or repressed through daily stress and trauma. Kambo detoxifies the internal organs along with the mind and opens the heart to receive healing wherever it is needed.


The secretion contains short chains of amino acids known as peptides, which affect blood circulation and gastrointestinal muscles that stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland in the brain. Kambo wakes up the body's natural ability to heal itself and ultimately, engages a parasympathetic response from the nervous system. 


After sitting with Kambo, it is common to see a massive energetic shift in your life: Improvement in energy, physical health, reduced depression, addictions, and relief from chronic pain with a sense of personal power and hope restored. 


If you've found your way here, the frog may be calling you. I say it's the Kambo Soulsong. Kambo calls to those parts within us that are wanting to be seen, heard, and integrated - our shadow self. With its ancient blueprint, Kambo assists in remembering who we are. We are already enough. Everything we need is within us. Shamanic medicine is very different from what's called "medicine" by the western medical model. Kambo's sacred wisdom has been helping the indigenous tribes for thousands of years, and I am honored to be practicing this tradition in the Matsés warrior way.



"We'll take these broken songs, make them as good as new. Bind them together into something we could never lose. "

~Rivers by Thomas Jack



The Matsés are fierce warriors of the Amazon inhabiting the area between Brazil and Peru. They have been called the "Jaguar people" for their advanced hunting skills and exceptional fighting capabilities. On the Brazilian side, they are known to be Mayoruna, or "River people." They are a powerful people and preserve their rainforest with a deep respect for the land and the animals that inhabit it, entirely self-sufficient and independent of western technology.












  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Addictions

  • Childhood Wounding/Trauma

  • Physical Trauma

  • Poor Circulation

  • Focus/Mental Clarity

  • Feeling "Stuck"/ Energy Blocks

  • Herpes HSV1 & HSV2 


  • Cancer (must be off chemotherapy)

  • Candida/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Low Energy

  • Lyme Disease

  • Chronic pain and joint inflammation

  • Immune system disorders or low immunity

  • Nervous system disorders

  • Multiple Sclerosis


  • Low Libido

  • Parkinson's 


  • Arthritis 

  • Psoriasis

  • Eczema



"We can make it into something beautiful, we don't have to try. We can make it into something wonderful. We'll never say goodbye."

~Rivers by Thomas Jack 






THE WEEK BEFORE - In the time leading up to your Kambo ceremony, you may experience what is known as the "pre-purge." This may manifest as emotions rising to the surface, things going wrong, unexplained synchronicities, and questioning everything - to name a few. If the pre-purge hits you, please reach out for support. This is a critical time to solidify your intentions and push through any obstacles. I highly recommend journaling and taking time to be present with yourself, as this will strengthen your intention and resolve. A social media and technology fast is often helpful now too. 


NUTRITION - 5-7 days before Kambo, eat as clean as possible. While Kambo does not require a strict dieta like other plant medicines, following a clean energy plan is going to allow you to receive the most benefit during ceremonies. Organic, whole food (not processed) and eliminate any alcohol and other recreational drugs/substances. Plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, and limited dairy is recommended. Focus on hydration by drinking at least 2 liters of spring water a day, and coconut water is also great for adding electrolytes to prepare your body. NO COLONICS, ENEMAS, LIVER FLUSHES, OR WATER FASTING WITHIN 3 DAYS (BEFORE AND AFTER) TAKING KAMBO. 


DAY OF CEREMONY - The day of your ceremony, you will be fasting from food. You can drink water as needed, but you should not eat in the 10-12 hours before your scheduled ceremony. 

You will be drinking about 2 liters of water in the 30 minutes before your scheduled ceremony. Make sure you have chosen comfortable white clothing you feel good in. Adopt the mindSET of surrender and connect with the warrior of your heart. If you're feeling a little nervous - That's normal. Kambo is no joke. Meditate on your breath and open to the spirit of frog medicine. The spirit of Kambo is highly masculine and worthy of respect. This is the frog you will be connecting with. It is virtually impervious to predatory energy and in the jungle, nothing fucks with it. Let go of ego, let go of fear, let go of entitlement, and prepare to have a beautiful journey. 

Viva Kambositó! 


*Please make sure you have completed a liability waiver the day of your ceremony, and prior to the ceremony start time. You will receive a text with the waiver link. 



DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not intended as medical advice, or to diagnose disease. I recommended visiting your primary care doctor for any health issues or concerns prior to booking a Kambo ceremony. There is no guaranteed healing or cure implied in sitting with Kambo, yet that may be a positive side effect of working with the medicine. You will not always get what you want, but you will get what you need. 



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